Online Registration (Group)

Guidelines for Visiting the Tsz Shan Monastery(Charitable or non-profit-making organizations)
Group Registration Guidelines
    1. Registered charitable or non-profit-making organizations, subvented educational institutions and social welfare organizations are eligible to register a group visit (please provide a copy of relevant documentation for verification).**
    2. Each group visit must have at least twenty (20) persons but not more than fifty (50) persons, including accompanying staff or caretakers.
    3. For a group comprised of elderly, the staff in charge of the group should ensure that every ten (10) elderly are being taken care of by at least one staff member of their organisation/institution throughout the visit.
    4. For a group comprised of persons with special needs, please contact our Visitor Centre Services Officer at 2123-8666 during office hours (Monday to Sunday 9:30 – 17:00) for further arrangements.
    5. An organization/institution can choose to visit in the following sessions: 10:00/14:00/14:30. Each session is approximately one and a half (1.5) to two (2) hours, with only one organization/institution in each session.
    6. An organization/institution can register one (1) group visit only per ninety (90) days.
    7. An organization/institution can register a group visit from thirty one (31) to one hundred and twenty (120) days in advance of the proposed date of the group visit
    8. An organization/institution will receive a confirmation from our Visitor Centre within fourteen (14) days upon submission of a group visit registration. No change of date and session is allowed once registration is confirmed.
    9. Cancellation must be made no later than five (5) days prior to the group visit. To cancel, please write to our Visitor Centre by e-mail ( or fax (2123-8624).
    10. The Monastery has limited parking spaces. The organization/institution must make a parking request in the registration and provide the vehicle registration number no later than one (1) day prior to the group visit. The organization/institution can register up to one 60-seater (or smaller) bus or two 30-seater (or smaller) buses per group registration.
    11. For charitable or non-profit making organizations outside of Hong Kong, please send email to our Visitor Centre at for further arrangements.
    12. For enquiries, please contact our Visitor Centre (2123-8666) during office hours (Monday to Sunday 9:30 – 17:00).

    • Tsz Shan Monastery's (the "Monastery") Registration System and related processes are designed in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, and the Privacy Policy published by the Monastery.
  1. 本寺只接受本港非牟利團體、註冊慈善團體、資助教育及福利機構。(上述申請團體必須提供可供核實其機構身份的有效註冊或登記證明文件副本**,以符合批核程序。)
  2. 每次參學人數為 20 至 60 人,包括同行職員或照顧者在內。
  3. 如團體/機構安排長者參加,負責人須安排人手於參學期間照顧同行人士,所採用的比例應不少於1:10。
  4. 如團體/機構安排殘疾人士參加,請於辦公時間內致電 2123-8666 (星期二至星期日 9:30-17:00) 與參學組聯絡以作安排。
  5. 團體參學時段為10:00或14:00。歷時大約一個半至兩小時,每時段只供一個團體參學。
  6. 每個團體/機構最多可每90天登記參學一次。
  7. 每個團體/機構可於計劃參學日31至90天前登記到寺參學。
  8. 登記一經接納,本寺將於 14 天內確認登記。屆時參學日期及時段均不能更改。
  9. 如欲取消團體登記,請於參學日期前最少 5 個工作天以書面通知:電郵( 或傳真(2123-8624)。
  10. 寺內設有少量車位,團體/機構須於申請登記的同時預訂車位,並於到寺前一天提供車牌號碼,以作進出登記之用。每個團體/機構最多可預訂一輛不超過 60 座位或兩輛不超過 30 座位的非專營巴士。
  11. 慈山寺保留一切權利拒絕任何登記,或要求申請登記的團體/機構更改參學日期或到寺時間。
  12. 所有海外非牟利團體/機構,請電郵至 與本寺參學組聯絡。
  13. 如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間內致電 2123-8666 (星期二至星期日 9:30-17:00) 與參學組聯絡。
** One of the following five documents is accepted for verification
  • Letter issued by the Inland Revenue Department under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance
  • Letter issued by the Hong Kong Police Force under the Societies Ordinance (Cap. 151)
  • List of Approved Charitable Institutions and Trusts of a Public Character published on the Government Gazette
  • Letter issued by the Social Welfare Department stating that the organization is government sub vented
  • Constitution, or Ordinance, or Trust Deed of the organization, which specifically provides that members do not take any share of the profit nor any share of the assets upon dissolution.
*Please select one of the five options above
Total number of visitors:

* Each group visit admits 20 – 50 persons

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